Common mistakes in scent diffusion

Here are the most common mistakes made regarding the diffusion of room fragrances and how to remedy them
If you are reading this, chances are that you use a room diffuser or know someone who does. There are many different types of diffusers, but they all have the purpose of dispersing fragrance molecules into the air so that we can inhale them. We might use these devices simply to make a room smell nice, but increasingly we use them because we want to achieve health benefits by improving our mood (e.g. reduce stress, reduce anxiety, help us concentrate).
Diffusers can be extremely useful, but there are several important factors that need to be considered when using them. Here are the most common mistakes made when diffusing room fragrances and how to remedy them:
One of our body's main objectives is to protect us from external dangers. The nose and sense of smell play a key role as protection. When scent molecules pass through the nose and activate odour receptors, they assess 'the situation' and transmit information to our brain. Depending on what it 'reads', our brain initiates appropriate responses to our nervous system. This is how our body, for example, responds to the dangers of smoke or gas.
When we diffuse a scent in a room over a long period of time, our nose receives a constant stream of the same odour molecules. To prevent our nervous system from being exhausted by this continuous stimulus, the receptors experience something called olfactory fatigue, or temporary sensory fatigue or olfactory adaptation. Odour receptors stop sending messages to the brain about a persistent odour and instead focus on new odours, such as gas and fire. Odour fatigue is actually a good thing; it helps us get used to smells so that our nervous system does not overload and we can be ready to respond to new smells and possible dangers.
WHAT YOU CAN DO: choose a diffuser that gives you control and allows you to diffuse for short periods of time: ideally 10-15 minutes, but maximum 30-60 minutes on and 30-60 minutes off. By giving your nose a break, you give your body a break. And you will enjoy smelling the perfume more because you will be able to smell it better - less olfactory fatigue. You also use less perfume, which is good for your wallet and the environment. Essenzapura atomisers can be programmed in the time and intensity of scenting very precisely, so that your nose does not get used to a given scent, eventually making it unnoticeable. The S3NSUM diffuser employs three diffusers in one, allowing you to change perfume at the touch of a finger or by programming to rotate the scent to the three essences.
We read all the time how useful certain fragrances, such as lavender, are to help us sleep. And many people choose to diffuse during the night while they sleep. But you probably won't get the benefits you would like by diffusing during the night, and here's why.
At night, your body is focused on resting and repairing muscles, organs and other cells. During this time, your brain becomes less responsive to the outside world. Your thoughts and most body functions slow down. Inhaling odour molecules is not a priority for the body - they can, in fact, be a distraction.
WHAT YOU CAN DO: If you want scent support for sleeping, consider using a diffuser with a programming function, such as the Essenzapura atomising diffusers. Activate the diffuser in your bedroom 30 minutes before bedtime and let it fill with the scent. When you go to bed, the diffuser will turn off and you can fall asleep peacefully. As the room is now filled with the relaxing scent, you will probably start to feel calmer and more relaxed. The perfume plays a role in helping you prepare for sleep.
People often want to add a lot of perfume to their diffuser because they believe that the scent and effect will be more impactful. Well, your sense of smell has something called the odour detection threshold, which is defined as the lowest concentration of a substance that can be detected by a human nose. Every person has a different threshold level because it depends on many factors, including genetics, age, your environment (other smells are a distraction), as well as your health (how strong your sense of smell is). Whether you can smell a scent or not, your nose is absorbing molecules and you are having an effect.
WHAT YOU CAN DO: To prevent your body, and in particular your nervous system, from being overloaded with odour molecules, it is safest to use a diffuser that fits the size of your room. And, as mentioned above, if you programme the scenting at small intervals, rather than continuously, you will be able to detect the scent much better. Essenzapura diffusers fit every need, from the smallest for small rooms or bathrooms, to medium-sized diffusers for large lounges or shops, to larger diffusers suitable for hotels and large commercial spaces.
A pet's sense of smell is much more developed than that of humans. For example, a dog has a sense of smell 15 times more powerful than us humans. Their olfactory sensations are intensified and when you diffuse a scent in a room, they perceive that smell much more intensely than we do. Their organism responds to external stimuli and can be overwhelmed and stressed by overexposure.
WHAT YOU CAN DO: First of all, always give your pet a 'way out' by leaving a door and/or window open so they can leave the room if they wish. Secondly, test the scent you want to diffuse around your pet by diffusing it for a short time and observing how it reacts. Does it come towards you or does it move away? This is their way of talking to you and letting you know what they like and dislike. As with humans, use a diffuser with the option of programming the diffusion for short periods of time and keep the device not too close to pets.